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LotR Readalong - TTT, The King of the Golden Hall

Writer: mikeofthepalacemikeofthepalace

I love the imagery of this chapter. The description of Edoras, the guards at the gates, the hall of Meduseld. I know “too much description” is one of the big complaints about Tolkien, but I will always maintain that to be ridiculous. The descriptions are some of the best parts.

A word on Rohan. The Rohirrim seem more or less like Anglo-Saxons with a horse culture - because that’s exactly what they are. The bits of the tongue of Rohan sprinkled throughout the chapter (“Westu Théoden hál,” for example) are literal Old English. The poetry spoken by the Rohirrim (“Arise now, arise, Riders of Théoden!”) has the same rhythm as Anglo-Saxon epics like Beowulf, with the emphasis on the first syllable of each half-line (“Arise now, arise, RIders of Théoden!”). Éomer isn't just Théoden's nephew, he's specifically Théoden's sister's son: a very important relationship in Anglo-Saxon culture. There's more examples, but I'll leave it there.

As far as the Beowulf-loving Tolkien was concerned, the Norman conquest of England was an absolute catastrophe (from a literary perspective). Beowulf was hardly the only Anglo-Saxon literature, but Norman rule meant much of it was lost. Tolkien held the belief that, had Harold & company had cavalry at Hastings, the battle would have gone otherwise and William would have been kicked back to Normandy. Hence the Rohirrim: an Anglo-Saxon culture that would have beaten the Normans.

Aragorn is a bit of a dick here when it comes to Andúril. He was told at the gates of Edoras that he would need to leave his weapons, and says nothing at the time. When confronted by Háma, he tries to pull rank on Théoden by virtue of his higher lineage. He really comes across as an arrogant jerk, and I'm again reminded (as I was when he first met Éomer) that Aragorn really doesn't have any practice at the whole acknowledging-who-he-is thing.

So I’m going to commit a bit of blasphemy here: the movie does parts of this better than the book. I Know, I know. Give me your hatred, and insert the obvious joke about being banned from /r/TolkienFans even though that's not going to happen because the mods over there aren't actually seeking to ban unorthodox opinions, just promote civil discourse.

The book mentions that Théodred had died in battle a few days before Our Heroes arrive at Edoras, and Théoden does proclaim Éomer his heir, but other than that the death of Théoden's only child is largely ignored. It doesn't get nearly the same level of gravity accorded to it as Denethor's grief over Boromir. Contrast this with the movie, which had Miranda Otto's Éowyn singing a gut-wrenching lament, and Bernard Hill's Théoden quiet weeping and heartbreaking “No parent should have to bury their child” line. Tell me I'm wrong.

Another movie comment: the banner of Rohan snapping off and getting blown to the ground by where Gandalf & company were riding is all appropriately symbolic, and also a complete and total accident. It was just really windy, and the actors and camera crews rolled with it.

And now I get to talk about Éowyn (I'll be talking about her a lot). At first she's just a quiet presence in the background, defined by her relationships to the men in her life: Théoden's caregiver, the object of Wormtongue's lust, and under Éomer's protection. But even before the chapter is ended, her own worth is powerfully established:

‘Behold! I go forth, and it seems like to be my last riding,’ said Théoden. ‘I have no child. Théodred my son is slain. I name Éomer my sister-son to be my heir. If neither of us return, then choose a new lord as you will. But to some one I must now entrust my people that I leave behind, to rule them in my place. Which of you will stay?’ No man spoke. ‘Is there none whom you would name? In whom do my people trust?’ ‘In the House of Eorl,’ answered Háma. ‘But Éomer I cannot spare, nor would he stay,’ said the king; ‘and he is the last of that House.’ ‘I said not Éomer,’ answered Háma. ‘And he is not the last. There is Éowyn, daughter of Éomund, his sister. She is fearless and high-hearted. All love her. Let her be as lord to the Eorlingas, while we are gone.’ ‘It shall be so,’ said Théoden. ‘Let the heralds announce to the folk that the Lady Éowyn will lead them!’

I find it particularly noteworthy that it's Háma, and not Théoden or Éomer, who says it should be Éowyn who is left in charge. I also think it very interesting that the chapter closes not with the Men of Rohan riding to war, but with Éowyn, wearing armor and bearing a sword, watching them go while guarding a silent and empty Meduseld.

Monday, Legolas channels his inner Tony Hawk and goes skateboarding at Helm's Deep.


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