one mike to read them all

I’m MikeOfThePalace, one of the moderators of the /r/Fantasy subreddit. I'm an avid reader of science-fiction and fantasy, and love sharing my thoughts on what I’ve read (and watched, and played, and listened to).
But sometimes I have things I want to talk about that aren’t really a good fit for /r/Fantasy, and way too big for Twitter (which I suck at using anyway). Hence, this blog.
In practice, this blog will be for thoughts on books I’m currently reading, archives of the full reviews I post on /r/Fantasy and Goodreads, thoughts on my many audiobook rereads (audiobooks are exclusively rereads for me), thoughts on non-book stuff like Star Trek, and occasional rants on things I’m pissed off about.
I’m always interested in ARCs and am generally happy to read and review books (depending on how tall the stack of unread books threatening to topple over and crush me is). If you’re interested in having me review a book, feel free to contact me.