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The Wheel of Time, Episode 2

Writer's picture: mikeofthepalacemikeofthepalace

Spoiler warning: SPOILERS FOR ALL BOOKS. If you’re reading this, I’m assuming you’ve read everything. You’ve been warned. Also spoilers for episodes 1-2, obviously. Please no spoilers for later in the show.

Same format as last time. Reactions I had while watching, with more detailed thoughts at the end.

  • Not liking the vibe the Whitecloaks have. I feel like they should be much more ascetic.

  • Moving things right along with crossing the Taren. No complaints here.

  • Egwene’s first lesson is pretty much straight out of the books.

  • And here’s the first Ba’alzamon dream. This vibe, now, feels right.

  • Rand’s anger came out of nowhere. Apparently I’m fine with rushing the plot, but I don’t approve of rushing character development.

  • Snerk. Mat as the voice of reason.

  • Ahh, that one Whitecloak from the opener was a Questioner. The one I presume is Geofram Bornhald has more of the right feel. OK, I can live with that.

  • Manetheren!

  • Shadar Logoth is nothing like how I pictured it, but honestly this is better. Mine was cliche. This is more memorable. I like this notion of “they built a wall with no gates.”

  • Moiraine having a poisoned Trolloc wound is a pretty good tv-friendly way to keep her out of commission; “she’s really tired” works better in print. That being said, it makes me wonder where they’re going with this since it seems like she’s about to die and they’re not close to any Aes Sedai who can Heal her. Edit: Nevermind, Nynaeve showed up at the end of the episode.

  • Lan:

Don’t go anywhere, or touch anything.
  • Mat:

Let’s go places and touch things!
  • And there’s Nynaeve!

I know this is only the second episode, but I already feel like I have a handle on the groove this show is settling into: cool moments, poorly strung together. This episode had a number of scenes I quite enjoyed watching. Crossing the Taren, Moiraine telling the story of Manetheren, the Ba’alzamon dream (much as I’m looking forward to Rand and company talking with Ishy, the super creepy feel of the dream was captured perfectly in my opinion), and the party getting separated fleeing Mashadar were all cool to see somewhere other than in my imagination.

But the parts that led from scene to scene didn’t really hold together. Crossing the Taren didn’t have the significance it would have after a long night’s hard ride with a draghkar dogging their heels. Taking refuge in Shadar Logoth didn’t feel the same without the long chase that preceded it. And the biggest offender of all, Rand blowing up at Moiraine felt completely unsupported. The others you can shrug your way past, but without having a way to indicate Rand’s gradual building frustration at her lack of answers he just comes across as a total asshole.

I distinctly appreciate that they had Nynaeve catch Lan by surprise.



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